2023 International Donor Registry Conference, Hanau, Germany

2023 International Donor Registry Conference, Hanau, Germany Ve dnech 18. 21. 6. 2023 se naše společnost zúčastnila již 13. mezinárodní konference WMDA, která se konala v německém Hanau. Mohli jste se zde setkat s našimi zástupci, kteří prezentovali poster týkající se projektu Trimmus (Transplant Immunology Decision Support System). Článek 2023 International Donor Registry Conference, Hanau, Germany se nejdříve objevil na STEINER.

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Students participated in a Model United Nations (MUN) conference over the weekend in Prague at Meridian International School. Students debated current hot topics including the Israel and Palestine conflict, human rights violations in Myanmar, and gun viol

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EWIC 2023

EWIC 2023 Naše společnost se zúčastnila konference EWIC 2023 (East-West Immunogenetics Conference), která proběhla od 15. do 17. 3. 2023 v kongresovém centru IKEM. Děkujeme, že jste nás přišli navštívit k našemu stánku. EWIC_Overview_Ste

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Prague’s Popularity as a Meeting Destination Proven!

Cracking the top ten for the first year, Prague shot up three places in the International Congress and Convention Association’s annual rankings. Prague is the eighth most popular place in the world to hold an international association meeting. The ICCA l

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Martina Dlabajová

Menu Home Agenda Speakers Information Contact Language EN CZ Speakers at the conference Dott. Martina Dlabajová Member of the European Parliament 2014-2024 Martina Dlabajová is a Czech politician, businesswoman, international consultant, philanthropist, s

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Project co-financed by the EU: Marketing – challenge I.

This project is co-financed by the EU Project name Marketing – challenge I.OPERATIONAL PROGRAM OF TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS FOR COMPETITIVENESS Project number according to ms2021+: 01_23_017 Project registration number CZ.01.02.01/0423_017/000189

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