A new line of products w/ Sv Norbert beer

Dear Friends of Beer, We’re pleased to present some delicious new beer-flavoured delicacies which are now available from our e-shop and the brewery restaurant. Mustard Standard is a thick yellow mustard with strong character, and close to a Dijon mustard in taste. The mustard seeds have been marinated in Sv. Norbert IPA overnight and further flavoured with apple vinegar, honey and spices. The next new condiment is our spicy full-grain Mustard Bastard. The mustard seeds for Bastard have also been marinated overnight, but in Sv. Norbert Dark Witbier which infuses it's unique flavour. An excellent choice for all fans of stronger mustards. Last but not least is "Chill Burn", lightly smoked chili sauce made with our Hazy IPA. The prime ingredients are tomatoes, Habanero, Scorpion Moruga and Jalapeño chili peppers, onion and garlic. We sincerely hope our new condiments will be to your taste. Before buying, you can try any of our sauces with any food on our menu at the Strahov Brewery restaurant. Bon appétit!

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Traditional carnival feast at Strahov Brewery!

As we kick off the new year, we are excited to announce that we will be starting a blog on our website to share updates, events, and more with our readers. What better way to launch the blog than with an invitation to Strahov Brewery's annual carnival fea

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Christmas Party in a Local Brewery

Beer production has a long history in the Czech Republic and drinking beer is an ingrained part of our tradition. No other nation consumes more beer per capita than the Czechs. With all that said, it should come as no surprise that our work Christmas part

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Finální mejdan roku 2023! To je silvestrovská večeře ve vašem Beef & Beer. Steaky, burgery, tatarák, bublin bude akorát! Těšíme se na viděnou poslední neděli v roce 2023 (31. 12.), od 17 do 20 hodin ve vašem Beef & Beer. Pojďme společně zamávat

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Nová řada produktů s pivem Sv. Norbert

Milí přátelé piva, rádi bychom Vám představili vynikající nové pivní produkty, které jsou nyní dostupné jak na našem e-shopu, tak i v restauraci. Hořčice Mustard Standard je plnotučná hořčice, s výraznějším pálivějším charakterem a chuťově se spíše blí

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Zlaté sprchové kouty Gold line

K oblíbeným černým sprchovým koutům Sanswiss ze série Black line jsme zařadili i novinku v podobě zlatých sprchových koutů Gold line. Nabízíme mnoho provedení včetně rozměrů sprchy na míru. The post Zlaté sprchové kouty Gold line appeared first on Koupeln

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