About Prague

Prague is just celebrating 700 years since the birth of Charles IV and it is a great raison to choice among Tailored tours this,which ist called On the footsteps of Charles IV. You will visite places related  Charles IV,14.century  King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor like Prague castle,Charles bridge,museum of Charles University. There is in plus same temporary activities like exhibitions, concerts, festivals and celebrations, thematically connected with the life and times of Charles IV. Some of them they are: Exhibitions at Prague Castle The Sceptre and the Crown 15 May – 28 September 2016 / Prague Castle – Imperial Stables / The mainstay exhibition of the Charles IV commemorative events at Prague Castle. The chief exhibit, exceptionally shown separately, will be the Czech Royal Crown. For the first time in modern history it will not be accompanied by the well known Renaissance insignia (orb and sceptre) on display every five years, but by the Gothic insignia that went with the Crown at the time of Charles, whose artistic replicas were made for this exhibition using specific art restoration techniques. Emperor Charles IV 1316–2016 15 May – 25 September 2016 / The National Gallery in Prague Wallenstein Riding Hall, Carolinum / A Bavarian-Czech exhibition will present Charles IV as an extraordinary personage of European political and cultural history, as a pious, educated, confident and far-sighted ruler who did not hesitate to push his own agenda using a wide repertoire of diplomatic means. The exhibition aims to depict Charles IV free of the distorting layers of ideological prejudice and to offer the public an all-round portrayal of this historical personage with his positive and more sombre facets. The Crown of the Kingdom 15 May – 28 September 2016 / Prague Castle – Riding Hall / An exposition to give symbolic access to the internal and external triforium of the Cathedral of Sts Vitus, Wenceslas and Adalbert in their simplified spatial reconstruction. The triforium is historically the most secure, off-limits, sculpturally richly decorated gallery on the outer and inner side of the nave of the Cathedral. In this showy exhibit visitors will find even the funeral vestments from the royal tomb, as well as getting sight of the royal busts in original form with the gold and polychromatic finish originally intended. The Crown without a King 15 May – 28 September 2016 / Prague Castle – The Old Royal Palace / Visitors are taken on a tour of modern history via by the ‘Crown without a King’ exhibit, on show in the Romanesque cellar of the Old Royal Palace, the site where the Crown jewels were walled-up during World War II. It presents the tale of these most valuable artefacts of nationhood during the dramatic 20th century, from the formation of Czechoslovakia in 1918 until the year 1968. The Crown of the Mother of Cities 15 May – 28 September 2016 / Prague Castle – Theresian wing of the Old Royal Palace / The exhibition will focus on the Cathedral as the foremost edifice in the country. Presented will be the activities of the ‘Association for completion of the Cathedral’, and information on its prominent members. Also on display will be photographs from the Prague Castle archives, taken in the course of building completion in the 19th and 20th centuries, and some artefacts from the completion of the Cathedral. The Crown in the Palm of your Hand 15 May – 28 September 2016 / Prague Castle – Rosenberg Palace / An exhibition to take the visitor through not only the reign of Charles IV, showing the Prague Groschen as the Kingdom of Bohemia’s enduring coin. The exhibition will be based around the history of silver processing and gold plating techniques. The visitor will also learn, inter alia, what face value the coin had, and what it could buy. Medieval festivities at Prague Castle July and August 2016 / Prague Castle – Deer Moat / Knightly weekends in the beautiful environment of the upper Deer Moat of Prague Castle presenting the life of medieval knights and jousting tournaments from the days of Charles IV. The Mystery of the Tower from 1 April 2016 / The City of Prague Museum – Old Town Bridge Tower / The main exhibit of the new permanent exhibition will be the tower itself, its inner spaces, dungeons, stairs, roof and especially the gallery platform with its wonderful view. The Old Town Bridge Tower belongs among the most impressive Gothic works in Prague, and was personally commissioned by Charles IV to be built along with the bridge, to a design by Petr Parléř. The tower was ultimately conceived as a symbolic triumphal arch, through which Czech Kings would pass on their coronation procession through the city, heading for the Cathedral of Sts Vitus, Wenceslas and Adalbert at Prague Castle. The symbolism of the whole edifice and of its decoration is an important cultural phenomenon in the history of Prague’s medieval architecture, hence the new exposition focuses on this aspect, highlighting the connection between the construction and artistic expression in the conceptual setting of its time. The exposition will present the historical and contextual interlinking between the existence of the tower, Charles Bridge and their vicinity and the circumstances that led to both heritage monuments being built. Civitas Carolina or Building in the Times of Charles IV 13 May 2016 – 8 January 2017 / National Technical Museum / The main exhibition hall will present building crafts, at the time of the great building boom during the reign of Charles IV. On show will be a series of historical building elements and construction procedures, for example, a functioning replica of the medieval human-power driven wooden hoist, whose design is based on the drawing in the Bible of King Wenceslas IV. Among other examples of large construction machinery will be a fully functional replica of a Gothic pile driver used for driving/hammering wooden pilot posts into the foundations of buildings or bridges.

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