Announcement of New Committee Members for CIBCA

We are delighted to announce the successful election of the new Committee Members for the Czech Irish Business and Cultural Association (CIBCA). The election took place on November 7th at CIBCA’s Annual General Meeting at the Embassy of Ireland library, with the presence of 25 enthusiastic participants, marking a significant moment for the organization s leadership. The newly-elected individuals are poised to steer CIBCA toward new horizons, promising innovation and dedication to its objectives. James Porter, acclaimed for his leadership qualities, has been elected as the new President. He brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to guide the association. Elisa Selmi joins as the new Vice-President, bringing dynamic energy and a commitment to fostering CIBCA s growth. The role of Honorary Secretary remains in the capable hands of Marta Širůčková. Eoin Hainley steps into the role of Treasurer, bringing strong acumen in financial management. In addition, we are thrilled to welcome a newcomer to CIBCA, Kate D’Agostino, whose unique insights and ideas will undoubtedly enrich the Committee. Following the Meeting, a visit to The Three Fiddles was organized to express gratitude to all the participants for their involvement in the electoral process. It was also an opportunity to extend an invitation to propose and engage in new activities planned by CIBCA. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the newly elected Committee and express our gratitude to all participants for their engagement. The enthusiasm and support displayed during this election reflect the vibrant spirit of the CIBCA community, and we look forward to an exciting journey ahead under this new leadership.

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CIBCA Committee Announcement 11/03/2022

Dear CIBCA members and friends, St. Patrick’s Day Our national day is next Thursday – March 17th. Some of the Irish community in Prague are planning an informal drink in The Irish Times on Karlova 20, Prague 1, 6pm on March 17th. Please consider - there

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Saint Patrick's ball Charity event

On March 18th, CIBCA - Czech Irish Business and cultural association held its Saint Patrick s Day gala event, a celebration of Irish culture and heritage. The event was a huge success, with a friendly, fun mood and over CZK 180,000 (c. €7800) raised for C

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We had a blast at this years CIBCA BBQ with around thirty of our nearest and dearest friends and family. Many of us were still single and kidless at the first CIBCA BBQ; now we are surrounded by a crop of young adults that will soon take over the mantle o

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CIBCA BBQ 2020 at Letenský zámeček

We had a blast at this years CIBCA BBQ with close to fourty of our nearest and dearest friends and family. Many of us were still single and kidless at the first CIBCA BBQ; now we are surrounded by a crop of young adults that will soon take over the mantle

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Celebrating the Solstice: A Memorable Farewell to Ambassador Cliona Manahan

On the evening of June 21st, members of the Czech Irish Business and Cultural Association (CIBCA) gathered to celebrate the summer solstice and bid a fond farewell to Ambassador Cliona Manahan and her deputy, Erin Swan. The event marked a joyous occasion

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