Ascorium Mythbusting Today’s myth: PUR = Pollution This obviously is not true, as was reflected in a recent interview with a leading automotive portal composed of experts, with whom Ascorium CEO, Christoph Laeis, shared his thoughts on Ascorium and sustainability. “With the current challenges of CO2 reduction, an increased use of sustainable materials, high raw material prices and autonomous driving facing []

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Ascorium Mythbusting Today’s myth: PUR Spray Skins have a short lifespan Having a great product is important to be relevant and succeed, especially in a sector as demanding as automotive where meticulous performance is not merely expected, it is demanded. In

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Renishaw technology used to identify microplastics in the environment

Microplastics are small, hard-to-spot, particles that make their way—from products and packaging—into the environment and cause significant pollution. The Danish Technological Institute (DTI, Aarhus, Denmark) is using a Renishaw Raman spectroscopy system

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