Audio post For quite a while as of now, numerous massage therapists and bodyworkers were saying something like, “Undress to your level of comfort.” To be true, even me had fallen into starting the session with this phrase But since then Ive learned to see it in a whole another light as just way too vague. Newcomers to the world of massage have no idea what that means. Seriously, I’ve been receiving bodywork for 5 years and I’m not even sure what that means. (My personal “level of comfort” as far as clothing goes typically involves a fluffy polar fleece sweatshirt and baggy, softer than soft sweatpants.) Based on this, here’s some additional info that may help you decide what you want to wear (or maybe not) during a session: Firstly, no matter what, its a rule that you will always be covered (draped) into a sheet and a blanket.  No sane masseur will ever allow a client to be left feeling exposed or chilly. As I will be going through the massages progress, I will only uncover areas I am working on, one at a time, respecting and protecting your privacy at all times. When I work on an arm, I fold the sheet back and tuck it under your arm so it’s comfy. As a former massage salon worker myself, I can tell you that this salon is one of the best. They do everything the right way, and their girls hands are just made for the job they do, they bring me a pure relaxation!Elisa Maryhood I follow the same procedure for each leg. Decided you’d like a belly massage work today (yep, it exists and it’s wonderful)? In such a case, regarding women, I use a soft cloth to cover their breasts and then I also tuck it around a person, like a wide bandeau top. All to an extent so that your abdomen is exposed, but again, your privacy is still upheld and protected. Don’t want to expose your belly for abdominal work? Not an issue. I can massage you over the draping When I work on the full back massage, I fold the sheet down at a persons hips. If you’re wearing underwear, I may smoothly tuck the sheet around the waistband, so the massage oil will not be dripping there. If a lady Im working with wears a bra, I’ll work around it. If you’re wearing a tank top or shorts or long johns, I’ll work through it. Socks? I’ll work through these, too, despite this time it being a much harder ordeal to deal with. Long story short, as a professional masseur I dig a variety of uber-effective massage techniques that can all be applied over the clothing. Those of you who have seen or met me at sporting events or other public onsite massage gigs are aware of it already!  If for any kind of the reason I feel I can’t effectively treat your issue through the clothing which you’re wearing at the moment, I’ll tell you, and we’ll figure out another approach. For some people, that means leaving some clothing on. For others, it means taking it all off. Your preferences may vary from session to session as well. There is no right or wrong as it’s your massage session. But is there one garment of all which I will always ask you to remove?  Absolutely Thats your shoes!  Especially if the weather outside has made them muddy or wet.  This might seem like a no-brainer, but it may not sound like that to some Honestly, though? I’ve had folks leave those on, too. I might just have you hang your feet off the edge of the table to protect my equipment or I’ll put an extra towel/blanket under it And jewelry/fitness trackers/other accessories? It depends If I will be massage such areas like the neck or hand/forearm, you may want to take off any necklaces or bracelets because I don’t want to cause damaging your valuables with massage oil  Neither I want problems by accidentally pulling on them during a procedure. I also don’t need to risk hurting you if I accidentally press or pull the item into you. I understand that some pieces (wedding bands, lockets, gauges, etc.) may be difficult to remove or have strong sentimental value. So if there are any specific reasonable points you tell me about keeping them on, I dont mind about that. Again, I can work around. All in all, heres one more really important thing!  Please know that regardless of your level of the dress youre wearing on the massage table, I never care about it and I’m never judging you.  The whole concept of the massage is about you and you only, so its crucial that you feel comfortable. The post Audio post first appeared on Masážní salón Pelikán Sedlčany.

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