Be part of a site-specific performance on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of MOVE Fest Ostrava

Dear dancers and performers, It is with great pleasure that we bring you the opportunity to participate in the creation, creation and launch of a new Ostrava site-specific project. It will be created under the leadership of the Finnish director and performer Ilona Jäntti and Šárka Bočková - a graduate of Ostrava's Janáček Conservatory, now successful Czech acrobats. An outdoor performance focused on working with Ostrava's industrial cultural monuments will be created on the occasion of 10. MOVE Fest Ostrava's year during a week-long intensive creative process at the turn of September and October 2023, and its premiere will take place within the main program of MOVE Fest. By participating in this project, you will gain experience with Ilona Jäntti's creative approaches, cooperation with a professional team, a presentation at an international festival and new contacts in the field of performance art. ️ Rehearsals and presentation of the resulting performance will take place from September 27 to October 8 in the environment of one of Ostrava's well-known architectural monuments. It is essential for participants to be present throughout the exam period. Together with the director Ilona Jäntti (FIN), we are now looking for performers with experience in movement disciplines such as new circus, contemporary dance or physical theater, who would like to become part of this project! Previous experience with outdoor and site-specific projects is an advantage, but not necessary Since we are unable to cover the costs of accommodation for performers during rehearsals, we prefer local applicants (or those who arrange their own accommodation). The fee will be specified during the selection of participants. The entire creative process will take place in the English language ⭐️ If you are interested in our new project and would like to get involved, please fill out by July 15, 2023 this form. Project participants will be selected based on the information and videos provided. You will be informed of acceptance or non-acceptance by July 30, 2023. We look forward to seeing you More of Ilona Jäntti's work Other site-specific projects of MOVE Ostrava LUXURY MEMORIES in OSTRAVICA-TEXTILIA SITE-SPECIFIC IN GROSSMAN VILLARISE AGAIN, RISE, MY DUST! directed by Miřenka Čechová

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Staňte se součástí site-specific představení k příležitosti 10. výročí MOVE Festu Ostrava

Drazí cirkusáci, akrobati, performeři ta tanečníci s obrovskou radostí vám přinášíme možnost zúčastnit se vzniku, tvorby a uvedení nového ostravského site-specific projektu. Ten vznikne pod vedením finské režisérky a performerky Ilony Jäntti a Šárky Bočko

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