Bologna Construction

Bologna Construction je výrobní technologie, která umožňuje zhotovit botu bez napínací stélky (branzole). Boty vyrobené tímto způsobem jsou velmi lehké a mimořádně ohebné. To vše při zachování dostatečné pevnosti a trvanlivosti.

projít na článek

Development project Herink: construction continues!

The company PB Costruzioni s.r.o. is currently completing the construction of the first 14 houses, which fall into the first stage of construction within the Herink development project. Finishing construction work is also underway as part of the construct

projít na článek

Construction of the Herink project continue!

Currently, the construction of individual houses of the Herink project with utility networks is already underway. Earthworks, construction of foundations, construction of houses are in progress. More information about the Herink Gardens project at website

projít na článek

Construction of the Herink project has begun!

The Herink project is currently being networked through engineering networks. Earthworks, construction of networks and communications are underway. More info about project Herink Gardens at:

projít na článek

Reconstruction of an apartment building in Římská Street, Prague 2 has been completed

Our company PB Costruzioni, s.r.o. completed another of our projects, namely the reconstruction of a building in Římská Street in Prague Vinohrady. Part of the project was a complete reconstruction of this historic building, which was carried out in the

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Blake prošívaná obuv

Blake znamená prošívanou obuv. Výhodou tohoto výrobního postupu je lehkost a ohebnost takto zhotovených bot při zachování dostatečné pevnosti a trvanlivosti. Na rozdíl od metody Bologna je základem budoucí boty ohebná, kožená napínací stélka, která botu v

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