College Baseball: Jan Pospíšil keeps his productivity

We miss duo Martin Zelenka and Daniel Padyšák in this weeks college baseball review as neither one of them played once again. Michal Kovala played two games in the previous week. First against Presbyterian, where he was tasked with closing of the seventh inning. And he managed to do just that, when he only allowed one batter on the mound after he hit him with a pitch, but kept his opponents from scoring. Georgia Tech was 5-8 behind at that point, but the seventh inning brought a tying run followed by walk-off which wrapped the game at 9-8. Georgia Tech Baseball on Twitter: PARKER BROSIUS LAYS IT DOWN AND BEATS IT OUT TO WALK IT OFF!!!@BrosiusParker | #CardiacJackets / TwitterPARKER BROSIUS LAYS IT DOWN AND BEATS IT OUT TO WALK IT OFF!!!@BrosiusParker | #CardiacJackets Kovala then played against Pittsburgh. There he entered the game in the sixth inning, which he didnt finish. 15 pitches were enough for 2 outs, 1H and 1BB. He also added 1SO. Georgia Tech won 7-4 and currently holds record 19-11. Jan Pospíšil played 4 games for Pitt Community, but he only celebrated 3 wins. He played on the third base against Lenoir, earning a hits and 2 walks. He had a good first game of a doubleheader against Richard Bland when his triple in the fourth inning batted in a run, increasing Pitts lead to 2-0. He then reached the home base himself. In the end, Pitt won 4-0. Pospíšil moved to the 4th spot in the batting lineup on Sunday and earned a hit. Statistics also show he leads Pitt Community College in walks (21) and also has the lowest number of strikeouts. Lenoir Community W, 14-4211026.4.Richard Bland W, 4-0221101116.4.Richard Bland L, 12-3101001007.4.Richard Bland W, 7-251100002 Nicolas ORourke played a game against Porteville. He entered the game in the eighth inning with bases loaded and 2 outs. However, he then got struck out. Diablo Valley lost 4-5 in the end. /* následující blok vložte do stránky kamkoli za připojení výdejového a měřicího */ /* skriptu a definici reklamních zón (elementy pro reklamu musí v okamžiku volání */ /* metody getAds() ve zdrojovém kódu stránky fyzicky existovat) */ /* metoda getAds() zajišťuje získání reklamy z reklamního systému a její vykreslení */ /* do stránky; parametry jednotlivých zón jsou definované v níže uvedeném poli, */ /* které je argumentem této metody */ sssp.getAds([ { "zoneId": 269342, /* unikátní identifikátor reklamní zóny */ "id": "ssp-zone-269342", /* ID elementu, do kterého se vypisuje reklama */ "width": 300, /* maximální šířka reklamy v zóně */ "height": 300 /* maximální výška reklamy v zóně */ } ]); Milujeme Baseball on Twitter: Max Prejda v úterý odpálil svůj letošní první homerun v dresu Inspiration Academy. #baseballczech / TwitterMax Prejda v úterý odpálil svůj letošní první homerun v dresu Inspiration Academy. #baseballczech Článek College Baseball: Jan Pospíšil keeps his productivity vyšel na serveru

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