Constant C

Constant C je 2D plošinovka, kde pomáháte robotovi ve vesmírné stanici najít pravdu o něm samém a zvláštní události, jež způsobila narušení času. Pohyb po vesmírné stanici ztěžuje fakt, že zde není gravitace. Musíte se tedy pohybovat ve speciální gravitační auře, která robota obklopuje. Pro postup dál bude nutno využít mimo jiné i krabice, stoličky či žebříky.Nemůžete nic vzít do rukou, se vším hýbete pouze vlastním pohybem. Někdy je třeba chodit i hlavou dolů nebo lézt po stěnách, abyste se dostali na to správné místo. Často je tedy důležité zapojit i logiku.

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New Theme Alert: Dental/Medical WordPress Theme is Here

We admit we have been slow at releasing new themes for the last few months. The reason being constant site maintenance routines as well as carefully polishing our existing themes for the best user experience. With the Gutenberg and new WordPress releases,

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Ceramics go green: Ragno protects the environment, the home we all share

Ragno is known as the home of Italian ceramics, but nowadays the focus is on the environment, the home we all share. For the production of its collections, the Sassuolo company promotes industrial processes that respect the natural world, reducing environ

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SAUTER ecos505: Integrated room automation for more convenience and efficiency

The SAUTER ecos505 room controller guarantees both seamless integration in the building management system and in the automation system of the primary installations. SAUTER thus combines energy consumption and generation and enables demand-controlled regul

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Parking sensor made with HC-SR04 and Raspberry

Parking sensor In today’s article, we are going to build a parking sensor. Most of you are for sure familiar with that beeping sound in your car that starts every time you start to back your car and tells you, by changing the beeping frequency, how far y

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The majority of Cost-effective Dishes Delivery Programs Ranked Hardly Guess #

Postmates is a food supply service, nevertheless it’s additionally a great deal extra. You need to use Postmates to get meals from dining establishments, but you can also use it to get products from retail stores, grocery outlets, and other alternat

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