Cool idea: quick advent calendar from shopping bags

A beautiful example of recycling! Have you accumulated paper shopping bags at home? Then you have plenty of material for this perfectly quick and easy advent calendar. And the good news is that you can make it on the evening of 30 November. Supermarket calendars with opening windows filled with low-quality chocolate dont fly much in our house. The kids loved our homemade calendar made on the staircase. The balustrade is wrapped with a conifer garland with little surprise bags hanging from it. We usually rotate some goodies, an Advent task or other fun and little treats in them. After a few years, Im finding it a bit corny and I vow to invent and make a new calendar for Advent this time. Well, it always turns out the same way I just cant keep up and at the last minute I reach into the cupboard for our time-tested and tried-and-true staircase one. An advent calendar made from used shopping bags has the advantage that you can make it even if you remember to do it at 11:30 at night on the last day of November. And you can also take comfort in knowing that youre recycling the materials to make it. Last minute tip - recycled advent calendar What you need: several brown paper shopping bags, white and red paper, paper glue, larger white stickers/stamps, red marker, string and scissors Get rid of the bag ears, the joints on the sides and the reinforced bottom and cut out as large a piece of plain paper as possible from the rest. Depending on how big you want the houses, you can still cut the paper into two pieces. Then fold the paper in half and cut the top part diagonally into a house shape. Glue the shorter straight sides together with glue. Cover the roof of the house with white or red paper, some houses can be left natural. It looks nice when the motifs alternate. Make a hole in the toe of the roof to stretch a piece of string through. When you have filled the calendar houses, knot the strings to make a loop. Stick a larger sticker or rectangle of white paper on top of the house and write the numbers 1 to 24 in a nice bold number. Divide the double-digit numbers into two windows so they look good on the house. String the finished houses on a piece of string or coloured ribbon. But the calendar looks especially spectacular if you use an LED light chain instead of string. And because we can never have enough good ideas to delight our little ones, here are some more quick tips on how to make an advent calendar for children.The post Cool idea: quick advent calendar from shopping bags first appeared on

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