COURSE: Napari for Beginners

27-28 May 2024 | IMCF BIOCEV, Vestec Dear Czech-BioImaging users, we would like to invite you to join an upcoming 2-day course "Napari for Beginners", organized by the Imaging Methods Core Facility (IMCF) at BIOCEV intended as a gateway to Napari, a dynamic open-source software that leverages the Python programming language to offer interactive image visualization and advanced solutions in image processing and analysis. REGISTER Here’s what you can expect: Introductory sessions focused on the installation and understanding of Conda, Python, and Napari. Learning to navigate through the Napari interface. Conducting basic image operations within Napari. Exploring various Napari plugins essential for common image analysis tasks like segmentation. Going through an example image analysis workflow to apply the learned concepts in practice. COURSE WEBSITE All communication concerning the event should be addressed to [email protected]

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