Customize Your Factsheet Template in the Editor

There are more than 20 ready made fund tearsheet templates available in Topsheets today. Still our clients keep asking for various custom adjustments to their fund factsheets. We are always happy to create custom tearsheet templates on our end, but what if our clients could prepare better-suited reports themselves? We have been developing a fund factsheet template editor for quite some time now. Although it has not been officially released yet the editor has been available within our fund factsheet production software and we believe there are many content subscribers using it. One of the good things is that the template editor is available even for Basic subscribers. Choose from ready-made themes In case you have not seen the editor yet it allows you to completely change or recreate the layout of their tearsheets. No matter if you need an investment report for hedge fund, mutual fund or private equity – you can simply compose your own fund factsheet taking advantage of our large library of charts, tables and statistics. Please note that not every standard template is ready to be opened in the editor yet. There are nine themes (standard templates) to choose from at this moment and we continually keep adding more. Review changes made to your template Have you created a nice factsheet in the template editor, but have accidentally messed up the layout? No worries! The template editor keeps track of changes in a change history and you can easily restore a previous version of the template. You can even view previous versions in live preview. It should also be noted that the template editor is still in a beta mode and it is not flawless. On the other hand, this tool has already served well to many of our customers. If you would be interested to learn a bit more about it, please see our help center or simply give it a try. The post Customize Your Factsheet Template in the Editor appeared first on Fundpeak.

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