Decided! Šumavský skimaraton will take place.

However, due to very unfavorable snow conditions, we are forced to make significant changes to the race rules. The changes concern the length of the trails, the location of the start and finish, and the timing program. Please follow the race website and other race information channels closely. STARTING POINT: Modrava (ski trail start towards Březník), CHILDREN'S RACES ARE CANCELLED. FINISH POINT: Kvilda If we are lucky, on the meadow below the forest at the mouth of Vltavská cesta, In case of worsening conditions, the finish will be set at the end of the snow cover on Vltavská cesta, marked with signs CÍL and installed with a timing device. There will be no sound system or refreshments. TRAILS and STARTING TIMES: Saturday skate - starting time 9:30 am The 46 km FT and 23 km FT trails merge into a single 17 km FT trail (Modrava, Modravský potok - bridge, Na Ztraceném, Nad Ptačí nádrží, Černá hora, Pramen Vltavy, along Vltavská cesta to the edge of the forest or to the end of the snow). The 8 km FT Šumavská pohoda trail changes to 14 km FT, starts 5 minutes after the 17 km FT trail, is non-competitive, and participants will ride from the Modrava bridge directly to Černohorská nádrž, Nad Ptačí nádrží and Černá hora…. Both Saturday trails have no refreshment stations. CHILDREN'S RACES ARE CANCELLED. Sunday classic - starting time 9:30 am The 45 km CT and 23 km CT trails merge into a single 25 km CT trail (Modrava, Modravský potok - bridge, Na Ztraceném, Nad Ptačí nádrží, Černohorská nádrž, Modravský potok - bridge (refreshment station), Na Ztraceném, Nad Ptačí nádrží, Černá hora, Pramen Vltavy, along Vltavská cesta to the edge of the forest or to the end of the snow). We have adjusted the start times to minimize conflicts with the general public and easier parking in Modrava for early starters. The race course is currently one of the few skiable cross-country trails in Šumava. REGISTRATION, CHECK-IN: Friday - 15:00 - 18:00 - KVILDA large tent in the parking lot upon arrival from Vimperk (registration and check-in for all races - FT, CT) Saturday - 8:00 - 9:30 - MODRAVA small tent at Dřevák upon arrival at the start - registration and check-in Saturday - 13:00 - 15:00 - KVILDA large tent in the parking lot upon arrival from Vimperk - registration and check-in Sunday - 8:00 - 9:30 - MODRAVA small tent at Dřevák upon arrival at the start - registration and check-in PARKING: KVILDA - free of charge for race participants in the former military barracks area. Other parking areas in the village of Kvilda require payment of the relevant parking fee. MODRAVA - central parking lot requires payment of the relevant parking fee (pay machine on the right upon entry) TRANSPORT: limited shuttle transportation will be provided between Kvilda and Modrava before the start and after the announcement of results REFRESHMENTS: large heated tent in the parking lot upon arrival in Kvilda from Vimperk each participant will receive a warm meal BAGGAGE STORAGE: available on both Saturday and Sunday at the start area (intersection at Dřevák) in Modrava. Items will be transported to an area near the finish line. We recommend placing shoes in bags. Please note that there is a 2 km walk to the refreshment tent. RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT: at approximately 13:30 in the center of the event near the large tent in the parking lot upon arrival in Kvilda from Vimperk.

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Šumavský skimaraton 2023 hat seine ersten Sieger!

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Šumavský skimaraton 2023 hat seine ersten Sieger!

Veronika Novotná und Šimon Pavlásek haben am Samstag die Gesamtwertung des 17-km-Skaterennens gewonnen. HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWUNSCH.

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Šumavský Skimarathon 2024 is canceled.

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Wichtige Informationen vor dem Sonntagsrennen

Šumavský skimaraton 2023 wird am Sonntag, den 26.2.2023, mit einem 25 km langen klassischen Techniklauf fortgesetzt. Hier ist eine Zusammenfassung der Informationen: Start: Modrava Ziel: Kvilda: Vltavská cesta, cca 2 km vor der Ausfahrt aus dem Wald.

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Wichtige Informationen vor dem Sonntagsrennen

Šumavský skimaraton 2023 wird am Sonntag, den 26.2.2023, mit einem 25 km langen klassischen Techniklauf fortgesetzt. Hier ist eine Zusammenfassung der Informationen: Start: Modrava Ziel: Kvilda: Vltavská cesta, cca 2 km vor der Ausfahrt aus dem Wald

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