Definition of Caregivers

Caregivers provide help to another person in need. The person receiving care may be an adult - often a parent or a spouse - or a child with special medical needs. Some caregivers are family members. Others are paid. They do a lot of things. There is no illness that is not exacerbated by stress. ― Allan Lokos Definition of Caregivers Caregiving is hard, and caregivers of chronically ill people often feel stress. They are "on call" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you're caring for someone with mental problems like Alzheimer's disease it can be especially difficult. Support groups can help. (Source: Fills visit dead space. Exposes the hidden agenda. Respects the parent’s opinion. Gives me alternative ideas. Clinical interview questions. Planning a medical scheme. The post Definition of Caregivers first appeared on Dsts.

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