Display of e-mail functions in Microsoft Outlook

Function in the email detail If you open the Microsoft Outlook email detail, the menu changes in ACMARK panel menu options for the particular email. Panel detail for email offers these options: Open email in SugarCRM if you click on this button to display opend email in SugarCRM. If it wasnt in SugarCRM before []

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Which contacts will be transmitted from SugarCRM to Microsoft Outlook?

To be registered contact in SugarCRM transferred into Microsoft Outlook, it is necessary for each selected contact so check in SugarCRM property Sync to Outlook. The contact is synchronized to Microsoft Outlook only to the user who is assigned to a contac

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Display contact features in Microsoft Outlook

Features in contact detail If you open in Microsoft Outlook a contact detail, the menu changes in ACMARK panel options menu for the contact. Panel contact detail offers: Synchronize contacts – synchronizes contacts from Microsoft Outlook to SugarCRM. Clos

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Synchronize all tasks

Manual synchronization of all tasks is run by clicking on Tasks in ACMARK panel. To Microsoft Outlook are transmitted tasks that are assigned to that user in SugarCRM. When transferring tasks from Microsoft Outlook into SugarCRM is synchronized, task in S

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Functions in the task detail

If you are in Microsoft Outlook, open the task detail, the menu in ACMARK panel changes to menu options for the task. Panel for detail task offers the following options: Open task in SugarCRM opens the task in SugarCRM using a browser. If the task has n

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Nastavení CloudMail pro Outlook a Thunderbird krok za krokem

Z webu digitální agentury Návod pro změnu nastavení nejpoužívanějších emailových klientů (Microsoft Outlook a Mozilla Thunderbird) na CloudMail krok za krokem včetně obrázků. Pro vytvoření nových účtů slouží rovněž tento návod. Postup pro emailového kli

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