European Commission survey on European ‘export champions’

Czech-BioImaging supports a newly-launched European Commission economic study to assess the current state of competition in the EU. As part of this project, the Commission has commissioned an external study to a consortium of firms of which we are part (together with Lear, E.CA Economics, Fideres, Prometeia, and the University of East Anglia). A part of this study is an external quantitative survey being conducted together with Kantar Group marketing agency. This multi-country survey is carried out among businesses in Europe's top export sectors and as potential respondents, industrial partners may get contacted to complete the survey for this study. All information companies provide in the survey will be handled with strict confidentiality and used only for the sole purpose of this study. See the document from the European Commission outlining the details of the study. Best regards CzBI Hub

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15th European Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry Workshop

Patnáctý ročník European Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry Workshopu a čtvrtý ročník EFTMS školy se budou konat v Praze 17.-20. dubna 2024. Konference je organizována Mikrobiologickým ústavem AVČR a proběhne v budově Národní technické knihovny.

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Top 5 trenduri globale care vor influena companiile de import-export în 2022

La nivel european, economia se redresează cu pai rapizi în urma recesiunii provocate de pandemie. Pe măsură ce campaniile de vaccinare progresează, restriciile impuse încep să fie ridicate, iar economiile ărilor se redeschid. Perspectivele de redresare su

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Vladislav Krzyžánek will lead the European Microscopy Society

Dear Czech-BioImaging users, we are thrilled to announce that Vladislav Krzyžánek, a member of the Czech-BioImaging Core Facility Electron Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy at the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Czech Academy of Sciences, wa

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European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) 2016

On 3-7 September 2016 the Dutch Techcenter for Life Sciences, the BioSB research school and ELIXIR jointly organized the fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Computational Biology. The Czech ELIXIR Node was represented by several members partic

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Notification: End of trading in Croatian kuna (HRK) on 31.12.2022

Croatia will become the twentieth member of the Eurozone on 1.1.2023 and will start using the common European currency Euro (EUR).

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