Exhibition “Keltové - The Celts”

Ana Duarte The exhibition Keltové brings us into a trip through the Celtic world in Central Europe, more specifically the role of Bohemia in its development. Following a chronological narrative, it goes back to the beginnings of this civilization, to answer fundamental questions such as its origin, its location and the first testimonies described by several historians. These testimonies give us an account of the physical, "people with white skin and light hair," and emotional aspects of these...

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NOVA GALERIE - EXHIBITION OF BIG LITTLE BIG HORN - Jakub Tomáš and Martin Skalický (24.01-28.02.2019)

Noemie Collomb ABOUT BIG LITTLE BIG HORN From big to small, we all face a proportion of space and time. The name of the exhibition refers to something, not the name to the first idea of visual beauty. At first it was « Big Horn », then it became

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Meet your Routine NSO in Grocery Store

Recently, Wednesday, January 31 I was visiting one exhibition opening which was hosted by Berlínskej model gallery in Prague 7. Exhibition is called Rohlík (bread roll) by Vojtěch Pollák. I would like to share my thoughts and experience there because I co

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Alfréd Symůnek: Eroticism with a Cactus

Eroticism with a Cactus From December 15th, 2016, Nová Galerie presents Alfréd Symůnek’s exhibition with the simple title: “Práce/Works 2016”. Even though Symůnek turned 39 this year, this is his first large individual exhibition and so Nová Galerie intro

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Keltové a Germáni na periferii

Nejzajímavější objevy archeologů i laické veřejnosti z okolí Dalešické přehrady za posledních několik let.Muzeum Vysočiny Jihlava, 14. prosince 2023 – 30. června 2024

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Posvátná místa starých Keltů

Keltové, jakožto národ pevně spjatý spřírodními živly, se především ve svých prvotních dobách bránili prosté svatyni, která reprezentovala symbol materializmu, The post Posvátná místa starých Keltů appeared first on .

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