Experimental Biophotonics course

Course | November 23 & 28, 2023 | CEITEC BUT, Brno Course | November 23 & 28, 2023 | CEITEC BUT, Brno Organiser: CEITEC Brno University of Technology  

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Course: Experimental Biophotonics

26-27 September 2024 | Brno University of Technology, Brno Dear Czech-BioImaging users, you are welcome to register to the theoretical and practical course Experimental Biophotonics held from 26th to 27th September 2024, organized by the Biophotonics

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Monthly seminars μLectures launched by the IEM MSC Core Facility

IEM MSC Core Facility | hybrid | 27/02/2024 at 1 PM [CET] The Czech-BioImaging Core Facility, Microscopy Service Centre at the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences, launches a new seminar series μLectures. μLectures is d

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June μLectures by the IEM MSC Core Facility

IEM MSC Core Facility | online Dear Czech-BioImaging users, you are invited to the seminar series μLectures organized by the Microscopy Service Centre at the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences.  In June 2024, there

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AlphaFold2 – Machine learning revolution in structural biology

Speakers:Karel Berka, Palacký University Olomouc, ELIXIR CZMarian Novotný, Charles University, ELIXIR CZAn algorithm AlphaFold was called a scientific breakthrough of the year 2021 by the Science journal the AlphaFold algorithm predicted the 3D structure

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COURSE: Entry-Level Super-Resolution Microscopy

22-24 May 2024 | Microscopy Service Centre, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Czech Acad. Sci., Prague Dear Czech-BioImaging users, we would like to invite you to the regular "Entry-Level Super-Resolution Microscopy course" organised by the CzBI fac

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