Funny game for us

When my partner came to me and told me he had a big surprise for me, I still couldn`t believe what it could possibly be. I kept going over and over in my head, playing different scenarios like that. What could it possibly be that a partner would have a present for me? We`ve been dating for three years, so I`ve got a bit of a ring to it, and I kind of know what my partner might give me. But I was really stumped when I kept guessing and my partner kept telling me over and over that it wasn`t true, that he didn`t have that kind of surprise for me, so I started to be at my wits` end, and I really cared a lot. What kind of surprise does my partner have for me? It finally came out that first we were going to see the range where the airsoft was. I`ll tell you, I enjoy this a lot, and I played it when I was about 10 years old. In my opinion, airsoft is a very entertaining game, and it`s a kind of shooting with coloured marbles, where maybe two teams are competing with each other, or two people are competing against each other. It`s really fun, and I thought it was really cool that my partner would take me to this again. Then my partner told me that he had discovered a great place in Prague called shooting range This is really the first time I`ve heard this. I couldn`t imagine what a shooting range was, only then it dawned on me that it was a gun shot. I was in quite a hot sweat, and I was in shock because I had no idea that I would be the one walking into the shooting range holding a gun. I know from my mum myself. She said that holding a gun in your hand is very complicated and hard, that the gun is really heavy on the scales, because my mom has tried holding a gun twice before. And that`s when my uncle used to go hunting. My mom had a big gun long gun, so she said it was really heavy, but then again, she doesn`t know how complicated and demanding short guns are. Článek Funny game for us se nejdříve objevil na Csfho.

  • Web: Csfho
  • Aktualizace: 15.9.2024
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