Ghostwriting a Beginners Wellness Medical Guide

I'm seeking a skilled ghostwriter to help me write a patient-focused medical book. The book should be designed as a general health and wellness guide, aimed at beginners with no medical background. Key... (Budget: $20000 - $50000 USD, Jobs: Book Writing, eBooks, Editing, Ghostwriting, Research)

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Fresenius Medical Care rozšiřuje síť dialyzačních středisek

„V následujících měsících budeme postupně a citlivě integrovat dialyzační středisko do naší sítě Fresenius Medical Care tak, abychom nenarušili péči o pacienty, jejich pocit komfortu a bezpečí,“ říká David Prokeš, generální ředitel společnosti Fresenius M

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Vestax miniworkshop

On the last holiday day, the last day in August and we could say with a little exaggeration the last day of this summer, we organized the Vestax miniworkshop, this time focused on complete beginners who are interested in djing.

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Corporate Consulting Job Cover Letter

I'm seeking a professional to craft an engaging and persuasive cover letter for a corporate consulting role I'm applying to. The cover letter should highlight relevant skills, experiences and fit for the consulting industry... (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Job

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Shopping Guide

[English] Smart & simple users instructions, how to buy at our e-shop Vestax.

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Guide d'achat

[Français] Instructions intelligentes et simples de l'utilisateur, comment acheter chez notre eshop Vestax.

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