Harnessing Solar Energy

PRAMAC Swiss SA, part of the PRAMAC multinational group, began producing thin film solar panels in July 2009. Their plant, based in Riazzino, is the largest solar panel production facility in Switzerland. It produces Micromorph® panels that use multi-layer thin film technology: active hydrogenated silicon layers (Si:H) and transparent conductive oxide (TCO) contact layers are deposited on a glass substrate by chemical vapour deposition. This layered technology increases absorption in the near-in

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HYDRA SOLAR V sortimentu solárních svítidel nově naleznete svítidlo HYDRA SOLAR – moderní nástěnné LED svítidlo napájené z baterie, která je dobíjena s

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Efficiently using the sun's energy

Efficient use of solar energy to generate commercial and industrial power has long been a desired goal. Environmental concerns, government targets, and the increasing cost of traditional fuels has generated more research and potential product opportuniti

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Caltech working to solve the world's energy problems with the help of inVia

The California Institute of Technology (Caltech) is on a mission to find new and effective ways to produce solar fuels using only sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.

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Výstava a konference All-Energy 2023! Další z mnoha aktivit, co nás letos čekají, je účast na výstavě a konferenci All-Energy dne 10.-11.5.2023 ve Skotsku. Chcete se dovědět více informací o naší firmě? Vyrazte do světa a přijďte nás navštívit!     The po

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Rozšíření nabídky solárních svítidel

Rozšíření nabídky solárních svítidel Neustále rozšiřujeme nabídku solárních svítidel, a proto vám představujeme PERPET SOLAR PIR moderní, energeticky

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