Human-Pipeline Complex

CREDITS Video bylo odprezentováno vrámci prvního ročníku multižánrového festivalu Poezie je v Táboře    Voiceover: Jozef Mrva ml.  Record: Mikuláš Mrva Font: Topol Regular od písmolijny Heavyweight Video credits: Max Rahubovskiy/ pappa meatball – Gopro in our well 300 feet deep 1080p [...] Číst dále... from Human-Pipeline Complex The post Human-Pipeline Complex appeared first on Psí víno.

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Vestax Czech Event 2012

We organized an official meeting of Vestax users with representatives of Vestax Corporation from Japan. After the press conference, the participants of the meeting got acquainted with the products that Vestax has now launched on the market as well as the

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EMI Health Brand Identity

Discover how Ramotion brand designers made transformative work for EMI Health, creating a brand identity, illustrative system and icon design that simplifies communication of complex medical concepts for customers and healthcare professionals.

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Cartoon character drawing required

I am looking for a traditional-style cartoon character drawing of a human for merchandise purposes. The ideal candidate should have experience in creating traditional-style character designs and be able to bring our vision to life... (Budget: $30 - $250 U

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Hledáme IT guru do lokalit Praha, Brno a Ostrava 1x Build Manager, 2x Senior C# developer, 1x Junior C# Developer, 2x Front-end developer, 1x SW Tester, 2x Automation Specialist

1x Build Manager 2x Senior C# developer 1x Junior C# Developer 2x Front-end developer 1x SW Tester 2x Automation Specialist Níže jsou specifikace poptávaných odborných kapacit Build Manager With us you will be responsible for: Build Management, Continu

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Infekce HIV

Infekce HIV je způsobená virem známým pod názvem Human Immunodeficiency Virus, což znamená virus způsobující ztrátu obranyschopnosti člověka. Tento virus napadá v lidském organismu zejména určitou skupinu bílých krvinek, v nichž se množí, později je i zab

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