Invitation to the opening: Hunting realism vol. 2

December 1st, 2023The funniest show of the year is coming! Come to the opening, which will take place on Friday December 1st 2023 from 17:00 to 21:00 at the Portheimka Gallery. The group exhibition of thirty-three artists who are connected in various ways to this fluid and progressively developing direction will last until January 15th, 2024. The first exhibition focused on a return to tradition using the visual means of hunting. The second exhibition of hunting realism includes an even more diverse range of themes, subjects and visions, some of which lead to morbid, even decadent artistic creations. The authors also applied darkness underlined by humor to the visual form of the poster. At a first glance, the disparate mix of artists will surprise you with the complexity of the current art scene: the boundaries between individual styles have dissolved and art has become one huge ecosystem. 1. 12. 2023 from 17:00 to 21:00 Galerie Portheimka náměstí 14. října 68/14 Praha 5 – Smíchov The exhibition will last from 2.12. 2023 until 15.1. 2024. Exhibition curator: Filip Kůrka Co-curator: Štěpán Mikulenka More information.

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Opening of our Maltese agency (Pieta, Malta)

The post Opening of our Maltese agency (Pieta, Malta) appeared first on Solten Czechia.

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Opening of our American agency (Miami, Florida)

The post Opening of our American agency (Miami, Florida) appeared first on Solten Czechia.

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Ducati SEASON OPENING 2023 - sobota 15. dubna

Srdečně vás zveme na záhájení sezony s - Ducati Season Opening 2023, které se koná 15.4.2022! Otevírací doba je v rámci této akce prodloužena od 9 do 14 hodin. Můžete se těšit na motocykly Ducati, slevy na veškerý nezlevněný sortiment 10 %! Ke zkuš

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Opening of the exhibition: Petr Dejmek - Alt + 25

August 3rd, 2023 | 6 - 10 pmDear art lovers, let us invite you to the opening of the exhibition of Petr Dejmek, which will take place at Dům Radost on Thursday, August 3, 2023 from 6 to 10 pm. Petr Dejmek is fascinated by fictional worlds. Spaces that

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Japan KOI Hunting 2019

Odlétáme do Japonska. V následujících dnech navštívíme KOI farmy v Niigatě, zalovíme a vybereme pro Vás novou kolekci Nishikigoi - sledujte on-line reportáž...

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