This illustrated educational book is notable for its humorous objectivity and highly detailed artwork. The plot centres on a “wise cephalopod” with an interest in life on dry land who is amazed at all the things humans surround themselves with. The main character of this large-format picture book, an octopus, decides to find out more about the life of the humans who supply it with all kinds of things in the sea: plastic packaging, broken furniture, toys, defunct mobile phones, etc. It likes reading comics and books about nature and decides to write a unique book about its adventures in the world of people. Its astonishment at various human situations is genuine and, as it were, impartial, offering a fresh perspective on people’s activities on Earth. The octopus builds itself an unusual house, attends a concert and intervenes to stop xenophobic behaviour in a supermarket, and its house eventually becomes an oasis for those without a roof over their head. The elaborate large-scale illustrations feature wonderfully detailed artwork which wittily complements the tales of an octopus among humans. Age 6+ Read an excerpt from the book here.
Polský premiér Tusk dává svůj stát do pořádku – a na to běžné metody nestačí
Polský premiér Tusk dává svůj stát do pořádku – a na to běžné metody nestačí
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