James Kazi

James Kazi has joined the Board of Governors following the retirement, after 15 years, of Margaret Rudland. We are delighted to welcome him to the ECP governance team and we are sure that his knowledge and experience, particularly of the IB, will be invaluable to the College. All our Governors are volunteers who are not paid for their service to the school. Since 2018, James has been the Under Master (Deputy Headmaster), Designated Safeguarding Lead, and a teacher of English at Westminster School in central London. Previously, he was Acting Second Master, Deputy Headmaster (Academic) and the founder IB Diploma Programme Coordinator at Charterhouse in Surrey. Having straddled both the academic and pastoral sides of the schools in which he has worked, James is passionate about the intellectual communities in which pupils live and does all that he can to promote strongly positive and reflective relationships in that context. For a number of years he was an examiner for IB English A (Literature), sat on the IB Schools and Colleges Association steering committee and he still acts as an IB site visitor. Whilst having an eye for compliance matters and regulation, he appreciates seeing how culture and policy dovetail. He has a Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC) commission, holding the rank of Squadron Leader in his capacity as Course Commander for the national RAF Air Cadet Leadership Course and is currently contributing to the national review of cadet leadership across the RAFAC. James is half Pakistani half British and a proud Lancastrian, having been born and bred in Blackpool in the north west of England. He has an MA from Cambridge, in Oriental Studies (Chinese) and English, having been a choral scholar at Gonville and Caius College and he continues to sing in various choirs in London. After university, he went to work in the wine trade before returning to Cambridge to complete his PGCE (English and Drama). He takes full advantage of living and working in central London to follow his passion for the theatre. The post James Kazi appeared first on The English College in Prague.

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