Microsoft a Project Silica: Skleněné desky uchovají data po dobu 10 tisíc let

Společnost Microsoft v současné době vyvíjí datové úložiště budoucnosti. Příspěvek Microsoft a Project Silica: Skleněné desky uchovají data po dobu 10 tisíc let pochází z Professional Computing

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ELIXIR-CONVERGE WP1WP2 and the emerging Research Data Management Community F2F meeting

We are thrilled that we can host data managers, data stewards, and other specialists from ELIXIR for an intensive three-day working meeting within the ELIXIR-CONVERGE project. Alongside individual sessions of work package 1 and work package 2 on the proje

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ELIXIR Data and Software Carpentry Pilot Project

The 2-day hands-on courses in the area of data handling.

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Data Stewardship Wizard is an officially recommended tool by the Horizon Europe Programme Guide

According to the Horizon Europe Programme Guide, DSW is one of the recommended tool for developing DMPs: The DMPONLINE tool (supports the development of project DMPs); ARGOS (online tool); the Data Stewardship Wizard, a joint ELIXIR CZ and ELIXIR NL tool,

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Finished project Sazka Ad

Im very happy when the project is finished quickly to the satisfaction of the client (Sazka) and also the studio (Eallin). Martin asked me to help them with animation and rigging of their project Sazka Advertising. Nothing too fancy there, just a flat sc

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AZ Kvíz done.

This was BY FAR the smoothest-going project Ive done. It all started with one meeting, where they briefed me with the project and their expectations. Then I did an animatic which was approved only with minor comments. After I made desired adjustments, I

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