Die MTB-Ausgabe des Sumavsky maraton geht mit großen Veränderungen in die Saison. After fourteen seasons, we are changing the series and are proud to announce that we are now a partner race of the Prima Cup and Šumavsky marathon will be part of the ŠKODA AUTO Czech Mountain Bike Marathon Cup. We hope that this news will bring even more attractive battles on the track and also strengthen the family atmosphere of our race. As far as the courses are concerned, nothing has changed. Yes, you can expect some minor adjustments and the addition of harder sections, but nothing major has changed. We will offer a championship route A (62 km through Vimperk), a shorter but nutritious B route (29 km) and the so-called cool C route (17 km) which you will both love and hate. Either way, you won t forget :-) Of course there were, are and will be children s races on traditional forest paths full of cones, roots and blueberries. A new feature will be the team competitions on routes A and B. Three times are added up and the fastest team wins a keg of beer. So get yourselves in gear and get to it. We will prepare the facilities for you with love and care, perhaps a little more modestly, but all the more warmly. It will all take place at the cross-country ski stadium in Zadov. Parking nearby, start of routes A and B under Kobyla.... you know it. We look forward to seeing you on the last Saturday in July 27.7.2024 and you can register now. Fischer Ski klub Šumava Vimperk and Prima Cup
We regret to announce that we must cancel this year s Šumavsky Skimarathon due to extremely warm weather. Most of the course is snow-free, and the weather forecast does not promise improvement. We are very sorry. In the past, in case of unfavorable condi
projít na článekDie MTB-Ausgabe des Sumavsky maraton geht mit großen Veränderungen in die Saison. Nach vierzehn Saisons ändern wir die Serie und sind stolz darauf, dass wir nun ein Partnerrennen des Prima Cups sind und der Šumavský MTB maraton Teil des ŠKODA AUTO Czech
projít na článekLetošní Třeboňský maraton byl opět velkým úspěchem, který přilákal více než dva tisíce běžců z různých koutů Česka i zahraničí. Závod se konal v sobotu 14. října 2023 a nabídl tři trasy: maraton, půlmaraton a desítku. Trať vedla krásnou krajinou CHKO Třeb
projít na článekV sobotu 15.10. v 10:45 odstartoval tradiční Třeboňský maraton.
projít na článekWir bedauern, Ihnen mitteilen zu müssen, dass wir aufgrund des extrem warmen Wetters gezwungen sind, den diesjährigen Böhmerwald-Skimarathon abzusagen. Der Großteil der Strecke ist völlig schneefrei und die Wettervorhersage verspricht keine Besserung. Es
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