Natálie originally comes from Moravia. Supported by a scholarship from the Open Society Fund, she completed her A-Levels at Felsted School in Essex in the UK and went on to study Law at the London School of Economics. Having qualified as a solicitor, Natálie practised corporate and finance law in London, Frankfurt and Hong Kong at top global law firms. She then turned her focus back to Central and Eastern Europe in her role as legal counsel at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development where she worked on projects in its countries of operation including Estonia, Ukraine and Croatia. Since her return to the Czech Republic Natálie, as Legal Manager at a commodities trading company with a global presence, is responsible for its legal function and her team. She is passionate about education and its power to change people’s lives which she experienced first-hand. She served a four-year term as a Governor at the Mulberry Stepney Green Maths, Computing & Science College in London where she learned to understand both day-to-day and long term strategic challenges for a school. During the pandemic, Natálie became an amateur teacher to her nieces and nephew and enjoyed exploring how to make learning engaging, efficient and entertaining. She loves bringing people together through networking and charity events. Natálie would like everyone to have a fair chance at maximising their potential, to that end she participates in various mentoring programmes and has started workplace initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality. The post Natálie Skácelová LLM appeared first on The English College in Prague.
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