Petr Hruška’s Literary Tour of the US

The author will be appearing at ten poetry events.The Czech Literary Centre, a section of the Moravian Library, organized and financially supported the poet Petr Hruška’s literary tour of America, where he will present his Everything Indicates: Selected Poems (Blue Diode Press, 2023, translated by Jonathan Bolton). Petr Hruška will be reading his poetry at ten literary events across the United States. The tour begins on 19 March with a reading in Philadelphia before moving on to three appearances in New York. Afterwards, the author will visit Chicago and St. Paul, with his American journey coming to an end at the beginning of April with three events in California. He will be appearing together with American poets at most of these literary readings. From the perspective of the Czech Literary Centre, which is active mainly in Europe, this is the second significant overseas project in quick succession. The first revolved around Czechia’s involvement as part of the European Union’s Guest of Honour appearance at the Guadalajara International Book Fair in November and December (more here). The Centre will also be looking to strengthen the promotion of Czech literature outside of Europe in the future. The Czech Literary Centre would like to thank numerous partners for their cooperation in the organization of Petr Hruška’s tour. These include Blue Diode Press, the University of Chicago, T. G. Masaryk Czech School, Czech Center New York, the Czech and Slovak Cultural Center of Minnesota, Columbia University, the Czech Republic Ministry of Culture, Consulate General of the Czech Republic in LA, and the poet Francesca Bell.

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Czech Literary Centre Travel Grants – Results

Results of applications for the period from September 1, 2024 to December 15, 2024As of June 10, 2024, the Czech Literary Centre, a section of the Moravian Library, received 33 applications (7 from authors and 26 from institutions) for grants to support C

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Czech Literary Centre Travel Grants – Deadline 10. 6.

The deadline for the next round of applications for authors’ travel grants.The Czech Literary Centre (CLC), a section of the Moravian Library, would like to bring your attention to the next deadline for its programme supporting trips by Czech authors to l

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17,7,2021 si byl Zdenek a Petr zazávodit v Mimoni. Konal se tam velice pěkný mtb závod "Tour de Ralsko". Trať dlouhá 47 km s převýšním 700 m, vedla vojenským prostorem po lesních, písčitých cestách. I zázemí tohoto závodu je docela pěkné. Na start se

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The Czech Literary Centre at Book World Prague 2024

The centre’s programme for the fair focuses on publishers from German-language countries. This year, the Czech Literary Centre (CLC), a section of the Moravian Library, has once again organized a varied programme for Book World Prague (23 – 26 May), the i

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Akční model Škoda Enyaq Tour

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