Plant biology

Raman spectroscopy is a key technique for studying plant health

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Webinar – Resonance Raman spectroscopy for redox biology research

Resonance Raman spectroscopy for redox biology research. A webinar presented by Dr Katherine Lau of Renishaw and Dr James Armstrong of Imperial College, London.

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PLANT!T Netkaná textilie pro NFT systémy 25m x 20 cm

PLANT!T Netkaná textilie pro NFT systémy 25m x 20 cm. Netkaná textilie určená pro pěstování rostlin v hydroponických systémech, vhodná zejména pro NFT,ale možné použít i pro EBB&Flow. Napomáhá rovnoměrné distribuci živného roztoku,vytvoření bohatého

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Cell biology

Extract chemical information from cells without the need for staining or the manipulation of genes, and ensure your results reflect the true chemistry of the cells

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Raman spectroscopy for oncology research (and drug delivery research)

Raman microscopy is routinely used for characterization and identification of material, but the need for this molecular imaging and analysis technique has become increasingly important in biology.

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A healthy look at plants – Raman imaging of plant chemistry

Raman spectroscopy gives highly specific chemical information, is non-destructive, and can analyse samples in water. This enables researchers to measure biological processes ex-vivo and in-vivo.

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