Productivity Tips: Working Away From the Office

Working in the business world, you may find it necessary to work on the go. For some, you may find yourself more often in the air than on the ground. For others, it is more the exception than the norm. But the bottom line is when you are away from the office, you not only must continue to do your job, but you must also learn to manage yourself. The following are just some simple suggestions for improving your productivity when traveling or working away from the office: Learn to say “No.” You’re not on vacation even if you’re working in Hawaii. Saying no to the beach now will allow you to manage your time and keep your deadlines. Try to retain your normal sleep schedule. Obviously a three-day trip to Japan may make sticking to your home schedule difficult, but if you are staying in your time zone try to stick to your normal wake up times. This will help keep your focus throughout the day. Create yourself an office space. It doesn’t matter if it is your hotel room, the local coffee shop or the library. Find a place that allows the least amount of distractions for you and plant yourself there. If you are going to be around distractions, consider a pair of the newest good travel headphones. Noise reduction can help to greatly improve your concentration. Don’t forget the water! A recent study demonstrated that letting your body slip into dehydration even a little can decrease mental alertness and concentration. If you hit the gym before work, be sure to hydrate before you fire up the laptop. Exercise, exercise, exercise! Don’t allow being away from home to stop you from getting your sweat on. Call ahead to make sure the hotel you’re staying in has the type of workout equipment you like or look into bringing your own portable exercise gear. Take breaks. Being alone on the road can offer you a great chance to push through tasks. But without your co-workers around to provide you with natural breaks, it’s up to you ensure that you don’t burn yourself out. Something as simple as walking around the block, stretching or even laying down for 10-15 minutes can recharge your batteries. At Residence Ječná we offers accommodation selected to meet the needs of business travelers since the building is ideally located in city center, near the congress hall and exhibition venues. Guests are able to enjoy the cosiness and privacy of ample spaces in fully furnished and equipped apartments. Amenities includes also and not only: kitchen, laundry etc. ideal for colleagues and business companions or comfortable stay for families. Our main priority is to make your stay easy, comfortable and enjoyable! The post Productivity Tips: Working Away From the Office appeared first on Residence Jecna by Nebbia Hotels.

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