Raman spectroscopy: an advanced technique for gemstone analysis

The National Gemstone Testing Centre (NGTC), China, is using Renishaw’s high performance inVia confocal Raman microscopes to perform non-destructive identification and characterisation of gemstones.

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Raman spectroscopy for oncology research (and drug delivery research)

Raman microscopy is routinely used for characterization and identification of material, but the need for this molecular imaging and analysis technique has become increasingly important in biology.

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Raman spectroscopy: important considerations

Raman spectroscopy is not a perfect technique, but there are ways to address some of the issues encountered during its use

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Why we use Raman spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy is a powerful technique that provides chemical and structural information about your samples.

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Introducing the Renishaw Virsa™ Raman Analyser

The Virsa Raman Analyser is a versatile, fibre-optic-coupled Raman spectroscopy system designed for reliable, detailed remote analysis. It enables the expansion of applications of Raman spectroscopy to a new range of samples and environments beyond the co

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Introducing Renishaw's new RA802 Pharmaceutical Analyser

The RA802 enables users to formulate tablets more efficiently by speeding up the analysis of tablet composition and structure. It brings together the chemical analysis power of Raman spectroscopy and advanced imaging technologies in a powerful, robust sys

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