Report example (CAE)

Otázka: Report example (CAE) Jazyk: Angličtina Přidal(a): Pastickar Dear Mr. Angel, Thank you for your letter requesting my opinion and advice for the upcoming students at your school. In this letter I will share my experiences which your students might hopefully benefit from. Firstly, I would like to mention that all the teachers had an excellent approach to the students and always tried to explain the curriculum in a comprehensible and entertaining way. I also appreciated that they all were very helpful and cared about all the students. Secondly, I would like to talk about the accommodation for students. Before I started attending college I have never lived on my own. Travelling to a new city and learning all the habits was difficult at the beginning, but I lived in the school´s facilities with other students. This also helped me to get to know new people and all the important information. It is a fact that living on your own and studying at a college requires a substantial amount of money. Fortunately, the schools cooperate with a shopping centre nearby and provides jobs for all the students, who are in need for money. Living on your own also taught me how to deal with money. As I already mention, there is a possibility to live with other students on the school´s premises and it is a magnificent way to make and build new friendships. I shared a room with a student that has already attended the school for 2 years and he helped me to adjust to new environment. To sum up, I would recommend studying at this school to anyone, who wants to experience new teaching methods and is not afraid of living in a new environment.The post Report example (CAE) first appeared on

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Report 2023_08

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