STEM day for Year 5 and Year 6 students

Our Year 5 and Year 6 students are looking for a A STEAM Day on Friday 3rd November. It fosters skills and mindsets that are indispensable in the 21st century. By nurturing curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity, it prepares young minds to tackle the complex challenges of tomorrow with enthusiasm and confidence. Its not just a day of education; its a day of inspiration, transformation, and limitless possibilities. A STEAM Day is not just any ordinary school event. Its a transformative experience that brings students closer to real-world applications of knowledge and allows them to explore the interconnectedness of different disciplines. Heres how it unfolds: Science: Hands-on experiments that make abstract concepts tangible. Whether its chemistry, physics, or biology, students are encouraged to ask questions, hypothesize, and test their ideas. This kindles the spirit of inquiry. Technology: The digital age is upon us, and technology is at the forefront. Students are exposed to coding, robotics, and computer-aided design, giving them a taste of the tools that drive our modern world. Engineering: Building bridges, creating structures, or constructing simple machines allows students to apply mathematical concepts and learn the art of problem-solving through design. Arts: Creativity knows no bounds. Integrating arts into the STEM equation (turning it into STEAM) lets students unleash their imagination through activities such as 3D modeling, music, or digital art. Mathematics: Math is the glue that holds it all together. Its a common language that helps students understand the logic and precision inherent in science, technology, engineering, and arts. We look forward to this day ! The post STEM day for Year 5 and Year 6 students appeared first on Park Lane.

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Year 4 Victorian Day

Year 4 students from Norbertov look forward to the Victorian Day on Tuesday 31st October. This experience will transport Year 4 students into this bygone era. Its a chance for them to dress in period costumes, explore the customs and etiquette of the time

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No Planet B

Year 8s first Geography unit this year is called No Planet B where students have been learning all about climate change including the natural and human causes, evidence we have to support its existence, different opinions people have, and what we can do t

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Entrance Exam Results for Year 3

Accepted to Year 3 / Přijati do 3. ročníku: 240254 240192 240261 240260 240185 240257 240194 221689 240253 221691 240245 240247 240248 240252 240214 240206 240208 240170 Congratulations to successful candidates! / Blahopřejeme úspěšným kandidátům! Ent

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Entrance Exam Results for Year 4

Accepted to Year 4 / Přijati do 4. ročníku: 240174 240178 240177 240167 240179 240172 240176 Congratulations to successful candidates! / Blahopřejeme úspěšným kandidátům! The post Entrance Exam Results for Year 4 appeared first on The English College

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Entrance Exam Results for Year 2

Accepted to Year 2 / Přijati do 2. ročníku: 240239 221546 240330 240228 221620 240229 240237 240230 240226 221651 240198 221557 240221 240243 240222 240219 Congratulations to successful candidates! / Blahopřejeme úspěšným kandidátům! The post Entrance

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