Süddeutsche Zeitung: Community purchases hundreds of special air purification devices

"They disinfect the air drawn in successive steps and neutralize 99.99 percent of the viruses and germs contained in the air in a room. The technology behind it is a patented, multi-stage system of high-performance microfilters and plasma reactors. According to the municipality, a total of 228 devices were procured for the grammar school and town hall.""Everything possible has been implemented" to protect citizens, according to the town hall." Link to article here.

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Süddeutsche Zeitung: Air purification without the hassle of changing filters

"These air purification devices do not filter the air like conventional HEPA filters, explained Beil, but instead destroyed the germs in the air. They were originally developed for operating theaters and clinics. "They clean the sucked-in air in a fractio

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Süddeutsche Zeitung: Komunita nakupuje stovky speciálních zařízení na čištění vzduchu

"Dezinfikují vzduch nasávaný v po sobě jdoucích krocích a neutralizují 99,99 procent virů a choroboplodných zárodků obsažených ve vzduchu v místnosti. Za touto technologií stojí patentovaný vícestupňový systém vysoce výkonných mikrofiltrů a plazmových rea

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Health Europa: Infection control in the COVID-19 era, Novaerus clears the air

Health Europa writes that Novaerus plays a big role in infection control as the world returns to work in the COVID-19 era. Read the full article here.As the world exits from the COVID-19 crisis, tens of thousands of white, shoebox-sized metal devices — pa

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5.5.2017 - Golden Retriever Special Club Show, Halászi, Hungary

5.5.2017 - Golden Retriever Special Club Show, Halászi, Hungary "Spirit" - třída otevřená / open cl. - rozhodčí / judge : Branda Hutchison, UKCpt. Calico Jack Optimus Canis - EXC. 1, CAC !!!

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