Thank You! We raised over 2.5 Million CZK at the 2023 Charity Gala!

Dear friends Thank you for supporting this years Charity Gala. The event was a huge success and we are delighted to tell you that we raised over 2.5 Million CZK on the night and have now raised over 48 Million CZK in total. We owe a huge part of this success to our generous sponsors, many of whom support us year after year, and the fabulous team at Mlynec. We are extremely grateful for your kind donations and will work closely with our charities to ensure that all the money raised is put to good use. In 2024 we will work with the following charities: Department of Pediatric Hematology Oncology, University Hospital Motol: Our donations will be used to purchase specialist equipment to help both the diagnosis and treatment of children with cancer. Beroun Children’s Home: Beroun is a residential home for complex needs children. Our contributions will fund horse-riding lessons, swimming lessons, pet therapy, music therapy and trips to the salt caves. Faculty Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady: Charity Gala supports work with newborn babies. Our donations will be used to purchase surgical equipment for oncology patients. Dedina Center: Dedina offers a support system for adults with impaired vision. Our money will be used to support a program aimed at fostering greater independence. Broken Silence Foundation: Broken Silence supports deaf children after their cochlear implant surgery. Gala funds will be invested in surgical equipment for Motol ORL and to support families of newly diagnosed children. We will update you throughout the year on our progress and you are very welcome to visit any of our charities with us. Enjoy the holidays and all the very best for a happy and healthy year ahead.  Charity Gala Committee Elizabeth Neale, Paula Hessenberger, Grace Wilkinson, Blanka Smith, Anke Weber, Karen Feldman, Kate Sellers, Clare Mazzotti, Dana Duffill and Gill Maguire

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Charity Gala Official Photos

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Brilliant Result!

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