Project partners from Czechia (BIC Brno/INCIEN), Spain (BIOAZUL) and Slovakia (INCIEN SK) met again in November in Bratislava. We are busy finalizing the methodology of circular public procurement and circular purchase so we can present it in four languages as soon as possible. Its official launch is planned for the beginning of 2022. We consider this topic as key to promoting the concept of circular economy in practice. At the same time, we discuss how to best implement our knowledge and experience while “training the trainers” as another methodology is being complemented within our project. This will be our main focus of the next project phase and we plan to discuss it again all together in April in Prague to present it in June next week. In the fall 2022, there will be these training sessions for all those interested in lecturing the topic of public procurement. The project is realised within the Erasmus+ programme. 25.11.2021 Bratislava, Slovakia
Smíšený pěvecký sbor získal zlaté pásmo na mezinárodní soutěži Bratislava Choir Festival 2023 v kategorii mládežnické sbory do 21 roků. Gratulujeme! The post Bratislava Choir Festival 2023 appeared first on Konzervatoř P. J. Vejvanovského Kroměříž.
projít na článekInstitut cirkulární ekonomiky ve spolupráci s BIC Brno organizuje bezplatný workshop, jehož cílem je účastníkům přiblížit téma cirkulárních veřejných i soukromých nákupů a způsobů, jak zvyšovat povědomí o tomto tématu ve vlastní organizaci. Termín
8.1. Cafe Leopold - Vienna 9.1. Dachboden im 25hrs Hotel - Vienna 10.1. Nu Spirit Bar - Bratislava
The ISO 10791–6 standard concerns machining centres with 4 or 5 axis (3 linear and 1 or 2 rotary axes). It is aimed at the verification of the kinematic accuracy of the machine. The tests verify the spindle and feed speeds, as well as the contouring accur
projít na článekDostihový den na závodišti v Bratislavě objektivem Lenky Sklenákové Vstup do fotogalerie >>
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