The Museum of Alchemy

It can be all too easy to get sucked into tourist traps in Prague, but if you happen to go down the right side streets of old town (it’s a hell of a maze), you’ll be rewarded with intricate and tasteful shops, cafes, bars, galleries and museums. The Museum of Alchemy is a brilliant example that us here at Prague on Segway stumbled across whilst exploring one breezy autumn afternoon. Unlike other museums in Prague, the Museum of Alchemy is nestled in a quieter part of old town and is not your typical tourist hot spot. The museum was only established just over a decade ago after a number of secret underground chambers were uncovered completely by accident during the great floods in 2002. Unlike other museums in Prague, the Museum of Alchemy is nestled in a quieter part of old town and is not your typical tourist hot spot The chambers contained secret laboratories jam-packed with beakers, burners and powerful elixirs driven and funded by the alchemy obsessed King Rudolf II. Get lost in this maze of magical history with a personalised tour, and be sure to browse the extensive collection of cute trinkets in the gift shops, including some of the famous elixirs that were made for King Rudolf himself, including the elixir of love.. and who’d say no to a bit of that?

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We are the Museum's main partners for US visitors. Island of Folk Costumes Museum // Whether traveling with us or touring the Europe, you don’t want to miss a visit to the largest Museum of Folk National Costumes in the Czech Repub

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