The University of Colorado Boulder, USA, combines Raman spectroscopy and nanoindentation

The Biomechanics and Biomimetics Research Laboratory at the University of Colorado Boulder uses a Renishaw inVia™ confocal Raman microscope to characterise biological tissues and biomaterials. The system has been interfaced with a nanoindenter system from Hysitron Inc, Minneapolis, USA, to provide combined chemical and mechanical information on samples.

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Renishaw Raman system used with SEM to study fibres at UCLA

The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA, combines Raman microscopy with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to study archaeological textiles and fibres. UCLA use a Renishaw SEM-SCA system to study textiles and fibres, non-destructively. The f

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Introducing the Renishaw Virsa™ Raman Analyser

The Virsa Raman Analyser is a versatile, fibre-optic-coupled Raman spectroscopy system designed for reliable, detailed remote analysis. It enables the expansion of applications of Raman spectroscopy to a new range of samples and environments beyond the co

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Raman spectroscopy shows agricultural mulch films are a source of microplastics in rivers

Researchers at Guangxi University and the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences have used Raman spectroscopy to determine the portion of microplastics which derive from agricultural mulch films. They used a Renishaw inVia™ confocal Raman micro

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Raman spectroscopy’s potential to identify diseased cartilage in osteoarthritis

A group of researchers and clinicians at University College London, Royal Veterinary College and Charing Cross Hospital , led by Dr Riana Gaifulina, have demonstrated that Raman spectroscopy could determine the grade of cartilage erosion and overall osteo

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Raman spectroscopy for busy people

Following market studies, Renishaw’s inVia Raman microscope, the world-leading research-grade instrument, now provides faster, automated Raman spectroscopy solutions for today’s busy professional.

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