We made physical architectural model 1:200 of parkhouse for Projektstudio

We are proud to show our latest work for PROJEKTSTUDIO it is #physical #model 1:200 of parking house next to krajský úřad in Ostrava. From today, the model is at the exhibition Česká a slovenská architektura in the Riding Hall of the Prague Castle. Challenge of this architectural parkhouse model The hardest thing about this architectural parkhouse model was figuring out how to actually make it. The complicated thing about it is that it is an unbroken spiral of concrete preceded by a grid of columns designed by Projektstudio. the only option was to print the entire supporting vertical and horizontal structure in one piece on the giant Peopoly Phenom liquid printer. In scale of 1:200 wthere was not other option. Foto by: Jan Martinek Foto by: Jan Martinek Foto by: Jan Martinek physical architectural model 1:200 of parkhouse physical architectural model 1:200 of parkhouse physical architectural model 1:200 of parkhouse Foto by: Jan Martinek Foto by: Jan Martinek Foto by: Jan Martinek Foto by: Jan Martinek Foto by: Jan Martinek Foto by: Jan Martinek Elektronics for physical architectural model 1:200 of parkhouse As usual, we used 5V led strips with connection from below the parkhouse. What is unique about this architectural model is the contactless button milled into the inside of the base. The visitor can thus change the programmed light moods. What next? If you like this model you can also check other models here in our Architectural models #miss3 #architectural #media #projektstudio https://www.miss3.cz/architectural-models

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Pro Projektstudio jsme vytvořili fyzický architektonický model parkovacího domu 1:200

Jsme hrdí, že můžeme ukázat naši nejnovější práci pro PROJEKTSTUDIO  #fyzický #model 1:200 parkovacího domu u krajského úřadu v Ostravě. Model je ode dneška na výstavě Česká a slovenská architektura v Jízdárně Pražského hradu. Výzva architektonického

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