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Koncept Lean Fab vychází ze zkušeností v mezinárodních projektech za posledních 30 let, primárně orientovaných na témata štíhlá výroba, štíhlý vývoj

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Nová verze abas ERP 20

Vznikly nové verze infosystémů: AQ.DPHFORMCZ – Přiznání k dani z přidané hodnoty AQ.ZAZNPOVCZ – DPH záznamní povinnost (dokladová) AQ.SOUHLCZ – DPH souhrnné hlášení obsahující i Call-of Stock, AQ.KHDPHCZ – DPH kontrolní hlášení Součástí lokalizace se st

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How To Overcome B2B Price Objections

Bar none, the biggest objection a customer ever raises is price. Often they don’t comprehend the value of your solution, therefore concluding that the number you’ve quoted is completely arbitrary, maybe even greed-based. It’s true that today’s customers e

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Plan and Prepare For Your Sales Call

Research shows that salespeople will never reach their performance potential without a well-defined sales-call procedure that they can follow and learn from. “Winging it” on sales calls has grim consequences – lost sales, extended sell cycles, margin eros

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6 Tips to Retain Your Top Sales Talent

In business, there’s an expression: To have and to hold, from this day forward. … Oh, wait, that’s a marriage vow. And even then it doesn’t bind. Here in the sales-verse, people coming and going like serial monogamists can sting your bottom line: Onboardi

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Why Your Sales Forecast Is Off

Sales forecasting is commonplace among sales managers, despite the fact that it’s a ridiculously difficult undertaking and the further fact that forecasting accurately is nearly impossible. It’s typical to end up with forecasted numbers that miss the mark

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6 Tips to Increase Trade Show Sales

Spring is starting to show through here in our hometown of Las Vegas. We’re in the midst of trade show season and companies from a host of different industries are visiting the city to promote their offerings and vie for future business. The sales-verse i

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