A cultural spa for everyone!

Well-being in culture is an increasingly frequent topic that resonates with the entire cultural community. This is also why we are happy to join the international program The Penguin Project, which brings a cultural spa for creators and all other workers in culture in general! Let's change the system! The way we operate in the independent cultural sector is unsustainable. We often use our passion for culture as fuel to keep our projects going, but what really drives us? Let's change this paradigm together Enroll in our tailor-made 10-month personal leadership and organizational development training: Application deadline: November 30, 2022The communication language of the project is English All information can be found here: http://thepenguinproject.com/ train-the-trainer-program. The program is sponsored by Partners Trans Europe Halles network, Die Bäckerei Innsbruck and MOVE Ostrava. #organisationaldevelopment #ThePenguinProject #sustainability #burnoutprevention #artsandculture #grassrootsculture Let's change the system now! The way we work in the independent cultural sector is unsustainable. Often we use our passion for culture as fuel to keep our centers going, but what is fueling us? Let's change this paradigm together. We invite you to apply for our tailored 10 month training on personal leadership and organizational development: Deadline to apply: 30 of November 2022

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Case study: Raman analysis of art at the Winterthur Museum, Delaware

The Raman technique is ideal for analysing cultural heritage pieces, as Dr. Rosie A. Grayburn, Associate Scientist and Lab Manager, Department of Conservation at the Winterthur Museum, explains: “The ability to examine analyse objects in-situ using the si

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Workshop for dance critics and cultural managers in Ostrava!

Czech Dance News is announcing an open call for participation in workshops designed for art critics and editors specializing in dance, new circus, and physical theatre, as well as cultural managers and professionals in cultural organizations. And why are

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Case study: Renishaw inVia confocal Raman microscope, a work horse for laboratory testing

The Renishaw inVia confocal Raman microscope was chosen as the spectrometer of choice for the MCFP, as its bespoke configuration is perfectly suited to analysing cultural artefacts with varying topography and composition.

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Spitfire Company v Národním divadle v Keni

Ve spolupráci s Kenya Cultural Center, Národního divadla v Keni a Kit fest, jsme realizovali projekt, který vyústil do work in progress představení, které se odehrálo v Národním divadle v Nairobi. 7.-9.června proběhl audition pro projekt Vivat Messi, v ně

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Lecture: Mariia Lobanova (Masaryk University, Brno; Odesa Archaeological Museum)

Zákopy místo výkopů: archaeological heritage in the south of Ukraine at the time of war Archaeological heritage in the South of Ukraine has met numerous challenges since the beginning of the war in 2014. Some Ukrainian museums, as well as archaeologica

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