Advertising Relationships Vs Business Decisions

The first thing you need to do is sit down and set your goals. Diana Scharf Hunt said “Goals are dreams with deadlines.” A lot of times, people are thrown off by the idea of taking the time to set their goals. Keeping one’s self going is a difficult thing to do. There are a million distractions that occur every day and that can mean that we do not stay on track with what we should be doing. Have you ever heard the expression, “Do not count your chickens before they hatch?” Maybe an older, wiser individual would tell you this to keep you from getting ahead of yourself. Like buying a new car before you actually got that new job. Well, when setting and obtaining your goals, you need to “Count your chicken before they hatch” in your mind. What I mean by this is you have to start seeing yourself completing or obtaining your goal. What you profess, you possess! The first thing you need to do is sit down and set your goals. Diana Scharf Hunt said “Goals are dreams with deadlines.” A lot of times, people are thrown off by the idea of taking the time to set their goals. We Need Dreams Dreams are important. Not the dreams you have when sleeping. I’m talking about the dreams you have for your future — the dreams that keep you going — the dreams that make each day worth living. Dreams Aren’t Enough As important as dreams are, they arent enough. Why? Dreams don’t take you where you want to go. A dream needs wings — to become a tangible vision — a passion that will take you where you REALLY want to be. Bethany Hamilton lives in Hawaii — her passion is surfing — her dream is to become a professional surfer. She spends every available minute in the water, even home-schooling so she can have more time to pursue her vision. At 8 years of age she entered her first major competition taking the division championships that year. Bethany’s dream had become her passion — a tangible vision. Článek Advertising Relationships Vs Business Decisions se nejdříve objevil na Expandia.

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