Annual Workshop on Network and service security

Description: in Czech, will follow up on The CESNET e-infrastructure conference 2019. The seminar draws on the experience gained from the CESNET infrastructure and from the operation of specialized units the CESNET-CERTS safety team, the FLAB Forensic Laboratories and the CESNET NOC Center.  Target audience: The workshop is intended for all who are responsible for the operation and development of computer networks and services and their security, administrators, administrators and members of security teams.

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WORKSHOP: Quantitative MRI methods in neuroimaging at MAFIL CEITEC

21 March 2024, 9:00 | MAFIL CEITEC, University Campus, Building E35, Room 145, Brno MAFIL Core Facility at CEITEC organizes an annual MRI workshop, this year focusing on Quantitative MRI methods in neuroimaging. The workshop is co-organized by the HuBraM

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WORKSHOP: Remote access for electron microscopy

20 June 2024, 10-12 a.m. | Online Dear Czech-BioImaging users, we would like to invite you to a second free 2-hr advanced online training workshop on ”Remote access for electron microscopy” on June 20th, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. CEST (09:00-11:00 a.m.

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NASKLADNĚNÍ: Tričko krátký rukáv - SECURITY - Černá

Tričko SECURITY - ČERNÁ Černé tričko s nápisem SECURITY. Nápis má bílou barvu a je umístěn na zádech. Material: 100% Bavlna

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ELIXIR AAI training for service providers

The ELIXIR AAI training helps new services to integrate to ELIXIR AAI, the ELIXIR Compute Platform service portfolio for authenticating researchers and helping the relying services to decide what they have permission to do in the service. The target group

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ELIXIR UniCatDB online workshop

The University of the South Bohemia (ELIXIR CZ) would like to invite you to the online hands-on workshop focused on UniCatDB.UnicatDB is the service platform developed under the ELIXIR research infrastructure for more than two years representing robust un

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