Canadian psychiatrist Paul Grof will visit the Holos Center

On Sunday, September 11, 2022, we will welcome Paul Grof, a Canadian psychiatrist with Czech roots, Stanislav Grof's brother, to the Holos International Transpersonal Center in Opava-Vlaštovičky. Paul Grof is a professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto and director of the Center for Affective Disorders in Ottawa. At the same time, he is the professional guarantor of the Grof® Legacy Training - Holos psychotherapy training, which has been taking place in the Holos Center since September 2021. Paul will participate in the 4th module of this training and will give a lecture on near-death experiences and their influence on a person's next life. This topic fits into the thematic focus of the entire training module, in which students will further encounter the themes of guiding people through the process of dying and grieving, but also the psychospiritual aspects of ego death and the symbolism of death and rebirth. These topics will be lectured by Jan Benda, Viliam Poltikovič and Milan Hrabánek in this module. We believe that a personal visit by a prominent psychiatrist at the Holos Center in Opava will further support the students on their way to becoming transpersonal therapists. The final circle of students and lecturers on the third training module, which took place in March 2022.

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Holos Centrum navštíví kanadský psychiatr Paul Grof

V neděli 11. září 2022 přivítáme v Mezinárodním transpersonálním centru Holos v Opavě-Vlaštovičkách Paula Grofa, kanadského psychiatra s českými kořeny, bratra Stanislava Grofa. Paul Grof je profesor psychiatrie na univerzitě v Torontu a ředitel Centra

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International transpersonal psychotherapy training started in Opava

This autumn, after a year's delay, the international training in transpersonal psychotherapy called Grof® Legacy Training - Holos started at the Holos Centre in Opava. As the name suggests, the training mainly covers the legacy of Stanislav and Brigitte G

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Support to Ukraine - offer of accomodation

We would like to express our great support and gratitude to the people of Ukraine and to all of us who are deeply affected by the current events associated with this unprecedented and inexcusable aggression against life. We have decided to reserve one apa

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Nové video s představením Holos Centra

Právě jsme zveřejnili nové video o Holos Centru! Během šesti minut se dozvíte o různých oblastech naší činnosti a poznáte náš tým. Video je součástí našeho projektu Holotropní dýchání ve vodě, který má za cíl vybudovat v Holos Centru vodní pavilon a vytv

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Nový systém na přihlašování

Na našem webu jsme spustili nový systém pro přihlašování na akce i na individuální sezení. Nově je potřeba používat pro přihlašování svůj uživatelský účet, ke kterému se přihlásíte svým e-mailem a heslem. Heslo si můžete nastavit zde: https://prihlasky.ho

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