ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 CalFitter: a web server for analysis of protein thermal denaturation data

Speaker: Stanislav Mazurenko from International Clinical Research Center of the St. Anne’s University Hospital in BrnoDespite significant advances in the understanding of protein structure-function relationships, revealing protein folding pathways still poses a challenge due to a limited number of relevant experimental tools. Widely-used experimental techniques, such as calorimetry or spectroscopy, critically depend on a proper data analysis. Currently, there are only separate data analysis tools available for each type of experiment with a limited model selection. To address this problem, we have developed the CalFitter web server to be a unified platform for comprehensive data fitting and analysis of protein thermal denaturation data. The server allows simultaneous global data fitting using any combination of input data types and produces optimal parameter values, and their statistics to define unfolding pathways. The server provides an interactive and easy-to-use interface that allows users to directly analyse input datasets and simulate modelled output based on the model parameters. CalFitter web server is available free at https://loschmidt.chemi.muni.cz/calfitter/.Registration is not needed.Join the webinar in GoToMeeting»We value your opinion. Please give us your feedback on the webinar»Note: the webinar will be recorded and the recording will be used on the ELIXIR CZ website, social media, in ELIXIR CZ e-publications, or in any other ELIXIR CZ online materials.

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 Decryptor: a tool for detecting variant peptides using mass spectrometry

Speaker: Miroslav Hruška from Palacký University OlomoucDecryptor is an online service that allows detecting human variant peptides in typical shotgun proteomics data. The system searches mass spectra against a database of peptide variants constructed fro

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 CaverDock: Analysis of Ligand Transport through Protein Tunnels

CaverDock: Analysis of Ligand Transport through Protein TunnelsOndřej Vávra from ICRCUnderstanding protein-ligand interactions is crucial for drug design and enzyme engineering. The interaction of protein and small ligand molecule often takes place in pro

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 FireProt: Computational tool

FireProt: Computational tool for the design of stable proteinsMiloš Musil from ICRC FireProt is a family of tools for the design and analysis of stable proteins. FireProt-web is a server for the fully automated design of stable multiple-point mutants, whi

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 PhyloFisher: A phylogenomic package for resolving eukaryotic relationships

PhyloFisher: A phylogenomic package for resolving eukaryotic relationshipsMartin Kolisko, Matthew W Brown from BC, JUMeet us online every friday morning to explore the portfolio of ELIXIR CZ tools and services at https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/508817

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 – WebMMB

Speaker: Michal Malý from Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences The newly developed web interface for the MMB (MacroMoleculeBuilder) program will be presented. It concentrates on user-friendly building of initial models and modificat

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